Quick access
- Routines:
Subroutines and functions
- interface iofile/str(i4, npad, r8, c, bool, txt[, d, lead])
- Parameters:
i4 [integer]
npad [integer]
r8 [real]
c [complex]
bool [logical]
txt [character(len=*)]
- Return:
string [character(len=:), allocatable]
- Options:
d [integer]
lead [integer]
- interface iofile/txtfy(i4, npad, r8, c, bool, txt[, d, lead])
- Parameters:
i4 [integer]
npad [integer]
r8 [real]
c [complex]
bool [logical]
txt [character(len=*)]
- Return:
string [character(len=:), allocatable]
- Options:
d [integer]
lead [integer]
- interface iofile/reg(file)
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*), in]
- Return:
reg [character(len=len_trim(trim(adjustl(trim(file)))))]
- interface iofile/create_dir(dir_name)
- Parameters:
dir_name [character(len=*)]
- interface iofile/newunit()
- Return:
unit [integer]
- interface iofile/print_matrix(m[, file, w, d])
- Parameters:
m (•, •) [real, complex]
- Options:
file [character(len=*)]
w [integer]
d [integer]
- function iofile/get_filename(string)
- Parameters:
string [character(len=*)]
- Return:
fname [character(len=:), allocatable]
- function iofile/get_filepath(string)
- Parameters:
string [character(len=*)]
- Return:
pname [character(len=:), allocatable]
- function iofile/free_unit([n])
- Options:
n [integer]
- Return:
unit [integer]
- function iofile/free_units(n)
- Parameters:
n [integer]
- Return:
unit (n) [integer]
- function iofile/file_size(file[, printf])
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Options:
printf [logical]
- Return:
size [integer]
- function iofile/file_info(file)
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Return:
file_info [integer]
- function iofile/file_length(file[, verbose])
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Options:
verbose [logical]
- Return:
lines [integer]
- subroutine iofile/set_store_size(size)
- Parameters:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_gzip(file[, size])
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Options:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_gunzip(filename)
- Parameters:
filename [character(len=*)]
- subroutine iofile/file_bzip(file[, size])
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Options:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_bunzip(filename)
- Parameters:
filename [character(len=*)]
- subroutine iofile/file_xz(file[, size])
- Parameters:
file [character(len=*)]
- Options:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_unxz(filename)
- Parameters:
filename [character(len=*)]
- subroutine iofile/file_targz(tarball, pattern[, size])
- Parameters:
tarball [character(len=*)]
pattern [character(len=*)]
- Options:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_untargz(tarball)
- Parameters:
tarball [character(len=*)]
- subroutine iofile/file_tarbz2(tarball, pattern[, size])
- Parameters:
tarball [character(len=*)]
pattern [character(len=*)]
- Options:
size [integer]
- subroutine iofile/file_untarbz2(tarball)
- Parameters:
tarball [character(len=*)]
- function iofile/to_upper(strin)
- Parameters:
strin [character(len=*), in]
- Return:
strout [character(len=len(strin))]
- function iofile/to_lower(strin)
- Parameters:
strin [character(len=*), in]
- Return:
strout [character(len=len(strin))]
Quick access
- Routines:
Used modules
Subroutines and functions
- interface ioread/sread(pname, x, y1)
- Parameters:
pname [character(len=*)]
x (•) [real, in,required]
y1 (various shapes) [real, complex]
- interface ioread/read_array(pname, y1[, order, wspace])
- Parameters:
pname [character(len=*)]
y1 (various shapes) [real, complex]
- Options:
order [character(len=*)] – = Row-major, Col-major”
wspace [logical]
Quick access
- Routines:
Used modules
Subroutines and functions
- interface ioplot/splot(pname, x, y1[, append])
- Parameters:
pname [character(len=*)]
x (•) [real, in,required]
y1 (various shapes) [real, complex]
- Options:
append [logical]
- interface ioplot/splot3d(pname, x1, x2, y[, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, nosurface, wlines, nlines])
- Parameters:
pname [character(len=*)]
x1 (•) [real, in,required]
x2 (•) [real, in,required]
y (various shapes) [real, complex]
- Options:
xmin [real]
xmax [real]
ymin [real]
ymax [real]
nosurface [logical]
wlines [logical]
nlines [integer]
- interface ioplot/save_array(pname, y1[, order, wspace])
- Parameters:
pname [character(len=*)]
y1 (various shapes) [real, complex]
- Options:
order [character(len=*)] – = Row-major, Col-major”
wspace [logical]
SciFortran module for reading and writing data
Used modules