
Installation of SciFortran requires a number of third party software and, quite obviously, a modern Fortran compiler. A restricted number of this software is mandatory while another part can be considered optional, though it is still strongly recommended to get maximum performance and access all SciFortran features.



Should Lapack/Blas not be available in your system, SciFortran will compile internal copies of such libraries. This option, however, in most cases leads to noticeable performance degradation, with respect to optimized versions of the same libraries, such as Intel MKL, Apple vecLib, OpenBLAS, etc. Support for linking MKL is offered via a custom CMake macro which should however be considered in beta development, as it is not universal and may end up in wrong linking directives. Apple’s vecLib is instead automatically recognized by CMake, in any standard macOS system.


If any of the required libraries is not available in your system, or the version requirement is not satisfied, please install/upgrade them. We generally advice for pre-packaged versions, as provided by either apt, pip, brew, conda or spack. The latter may provide the best options for HPC environments (trivial installation without sudo, easy management of interdependent multiple versions, automatic generation of environment modules, etc.), but choose freely according to your needs.